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Blended Learning Models: Which to Choose?


1. When tackling core problems, consider Station Rotation, Lab Rotation, and Flipped Classroom.

These models can be implemented without radically changing staffing, structure, or pacing, and can therefore be easier to integrate into existing classrooms. In addition, schools are more likely to embrace these options in core tested subjects for mainstream students.

2. When tackling non-consumption problems, consider Individual Rotation, Flex, A la Carte and Enriched Virtual models.

Because disruptive models generally are the most different from the traditional classroom, it can help to experiment when a student’s current alternative to learning is nothing at all. In other words, launch disruptive models in non-tested subjects or courses otherwise not on offer at your school. Imagine leveraging innovation to finally personalize learning, extend access, and rein in costs in an otherwise resource-constrained system.

3. Match the model to the student and teacher experience you have designed.

Each model affords varying degrees of student flexibility, autonomy, agency and so forth. Ask two key questions: What do you want the student to control? And, what do you want the teacher's role to be?

4.Create space to support the model as needed.

Each blended model involves unique “choreography” with students and teachers, whether it be rotations, small group breakouts, or one-on-one help. Many of these models require a different use of space. Ensure that the facilities you have available will support the model you choose.

آخر تعديل: الأربعاء، 2 مارس 2022، 2:15