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Next Steps

There are also some challenges with blended learning.

In particular, teachers who want to use blended learning techniques often need to reconsider how they teach.

What works in a classroom environment might not work that well online, so we need to take the time to think about what we are teaching as well as how we are teaching it. When we introduce elements of online learning, we give learners much more control over their own learning; this has an impact on the learners themselves, but also us as teachers. We need to find ways to teach that support online as well as face-to-face learning.

We also may need to make time to develop new resources and consider how we will develop blended courses.

If you already have some ideas, write them down. As you progress through the rest of this topic you will be able to decide how well they might work and whether you might be able to develop some or all of them for this course.

The next step is to check your knowledge of blended learning using the 5 question blended learning quiz. Then you can move on to start planning your course!

آخر تعديل: الأربعاء، 2 مارس 2022، 3:51